8 days Sri Lankan Gem Tour

8 days Sri Lankan Gem Tour

Heavenly Trail of Taprobane Gems (HTTG) We offer all our guests the chance to have a traditional mining experience in an authentic gem mining site. During this expedition guests can either be accommodated on site (with basic facilities) or in a hotel in the nearby...
14 days Sri Lankan Wild Life Tour

14 days Sri Lankan Wild Life Tour

Heavenly Trail of Tropical Feathers & Wild Life (HTTW) Day 1 On arrival at the Bandaranayke International Airport you will be greeted by our tour guide or chauffeur  and transferred to the hotel.  In the early evening you will meet the tour guide and the rest of...
14 days Sri Lankan Culture Tour

14 days Sri Lankan Culture Tour

Heavenly Trail of Ceylonese Culture (HTTC) Day 1 Arrival/Negombo On arrival at the Bandaranayke International Airport you will be greeted by our tour guide or chauffeur  and transferred to the hotel. In the afternoon you will meet your tour guide and get a brief...
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